What if the Enneagram wasn’t psuedo-science?

Disclaimer: I’m be theorizing on the enneagram from a post-Marxist atheistic perspective. Epicurean and Class analysis inbound. Subscribe to Shonen Ronin because you’ll want to check out the video version of this post when it comes out: https://youtu.be/yFYl0jwRrPIl

Psychologist study mental processes & human behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how people and other animals relate to one another and the environment. Research in the area seeks to explain thought, feelings, and behavior. The types of recognized psychological research include-

Academic: cognitive, developmental, and social psychology

Professional: counseling, experimental/research, clinical (largest group, concerned with assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders) psychology

Popular: Evolutionary, military, prison, music, paranormal psychology

Sociology uses the scientific method to study society. In the words of Howard Becker, it is “The study of people doing things together”.

Scientific Method- A procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting data through observation and experimentation. Another famous quote that embodies the scientific method well is “What is real? That which Persists even when you stop believing in it.”

I bring this all up because I have a hypothesis, and if I’m right- which I believe I am- it will change the way we understand biography and history forever. I am of course talking about the currently Christian dominated personality test known as the Enneagram. I am of the opinion that so-called enneagram experts have held back the progress of history by turning this potentially radical tool into nothing more than pseudo-science and parlor tricks, even those who claim to want the opposite. Through their stubborn refusal to invest time or energy to look into material answers for the accuracy of the enneagram; through throwing up their hands and saying ‘god did it so let’s just use it to focus on gaining and helping converts” they have ignored obvious developments they could have made. I will thusly be presenting my thoughts on how we as a species can begin understanding the enneagram scientifically, as we should all things. An understanding of the Enneagram as a psychological and sociological discipline.

The Biological Basis of Personality

What is personality? Personality is simply an organisms general strategy for going about life in a conscious way. Consciousness and it’s varying levels is also a wildly misunderstood topic but that’s beyond the scope of this piece. The leading expert on the scientific understanding of personality in Homo-Sapiens is Dr.Helen Fisher and I’ll be using her work as the baseline from which I will explain my understanding of the Enneagram. Fisher correctly identifies that personality is primarily about temperament but doesn’t really address all the different tactics, hence why her test has 4 types while the enneagram has 9. So what exactly is the Enneagram and how do we approach it biology so that we not only get peoples basic temperament but their general actions?

The Enneagram is a circle divided into 3 parts: Gut, Heart, and Head. Each part, in my theory, is correlated with a certain brain chemical: Estrogen/Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Dopamine. These make up the foundational building blocks of personality. Everything else is an extension of whichever of these 3 is most dominant in a persons brain activity. “Soon she recognized a pattern. Dr. Fisher found that there was a “host of personality traits linked with four brain systems. The dopamine, testosterone, estrogen/oxytocin, and serotonin systems.” Now while Fisher divides them into 4 once again the enneagram divides them into 3 major types with 3 sub-types in each to account for the different tactics a person can implement. This is more effective for understanding a person I would argue since emotions are negotiable, even if temperaments aren’t. The Enneagram is able to factor in the conscious control people have over their personality while also recognizing the unconscious constraints and limited options placed upon them. By combining the typology with the biology there is no longer a reason to throw one’s hands in the air and just say “it’s all chance”.

So established the biological basis for the foundational temperaments but what is the biological competent which determines the conscious control of one’s emotions, and what are the specific tactics in detail? The answer to the first question is simple but profound: It is the stress hormone cortisol. The rise and fall of its levels within your body, in effect along with either dopamine, serotonin, or estrogen fixation, is what determines your personality. With this as a foundation, we can begin to see how hypnosis, meditation, and flow all work and begin the important task of removing the ego once and for all in a scientific manner.


The Enneagram In Depth

In order to understand why I believe it is cortisol that is the key we will have to look at the enneagram in depth, mainly the concepts of integration and disintegration referred to in such circles as growth and stress. Long and short of it is this: There are 16 personalities, 9 core personalities + 2 wings for each core. The core is pre-Nataly as we established based on certain brain chemicals. Being born with a dominate personality type you then proceed to develop a “wing” based on your environment. The wing is one core types next to yours. Together they make up your core motivation in life, and that core motivation guides your behavior.

The Core Types Are:

1- The Perfectionist. It is characterized by the motivation to be a good little boy or girl, and wanting society to reflect such values as well as to avoid corruption. Their holy idea is perfection. Their most hindering quality is their resentfulness, their best is principled nature. They are the most self-controlled in both bad and good ways. They are part of the Gut triad whose brain system is based around estrogen/oxytocin. They fall into Fisher’s Philosopher Kings Liberal category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Negotiator category.

9- The Peacemaker. Concerned with maintaining a comfortable & undisturbed life. They avoid getting caught in upsetting circumstances as much as possible. Their holy idea is love; they naturally love things- the world, nature, and other beings- and want to be loved in returned. For this reason they seek peace, which goes without saying isn’t always a good thing. They are what we call a center type, because they are the essence of the Gut type with either wing also being in the triad. They can’t escape the estrogen/oxytocin brain system method of thinking except with extreme effort. They fall into Fisher’s Philosopher Kings Liberal category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Negotiator category.

8- The Challenger. Fighting, both physically and otherwise, is how they center themselves and bond with others. Their holy idea is truth because the material reality of who has the most physical power (either through numbers or training/genetics) is what guides their thinking. That for them is the fundamental truth of this world and as such it allows them to deal with the shockwave of perception that all Gut types experience as a result estrogen/oxytocin’s effects. Their overwhelming concern with domination pushes some away but they become very good at strategy and tactics. They would likely fall into Fisher’s Director category, but more as a result of their behaviors and self training, not because of their natural predisposition or motivations (which is why I see the enneagram as superior). Anterior insular cortex predisposition rather than the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. More mirror neurons than the visual regions.

7- The Enthusiast. Spontanity and playfulness define them. They care the most about having fun. They want intense experiences. Their holy idea is work, or more accurately doing things, never stopping, always planning. They are part of the Head triad whose brain system is based around dopamine. They fall into Fisher’s Explorer category and politically fall into the Libertarian category emotionally speaking. Humans guided by the dopamine brain system try to avoid physical or emotional pain, and more than most will crave to do things they find immediate pleasure in and which has traditionally rewarded them, others are damned.

6- The Loyalist. The type focused most on safety and security. The can be anxious or counterphobic depending on how they’ve been conditioned (in the pavlovian sense). Their holy idea is faith, because they want the systems that have supported and protected them in the past to keep feeding them. They become very good at telling honesty from deception, at least on a 1 to 1 basis. They are the core type of the Head triad. They can’t escape the dopamine brain system method of thinking except with extreme effort. They fall into Fisher’s Libertarian category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Explorer category.

5- The Investigator. They care about the inner workings of things the most. They want the grand theories and are gluttons for information. Naturally curious they develop complex ideas about things, even when unnecessary. The Holy idea is omniscience. Both they and 4 are at the bottom of the circle and are greatly affected by testerone as a result. They fall into Fisher’s Conservative category in terms of their emotional politics (you can’t form a universal theory if everything is constantly changing or is up to random chance) and in her Director category.



4- The Individualist. The introspective type, they are expressive and self-centered (this doesn’t mean selfish rather they understand the world through the frame of reference of their ego). Since buddha was right this can make them dramatic and temperamental. They place great emotional significance on events and understand things best via metaphor rather than the thing in itself. The holy idea is originality, as in a focus on the origin of things and unique circumstances. They constantly seek to light a fire in people and in themselves (see what I did there? I’m clever). Beauty is truth and truth beauty, or in simply terms They can understand that everything is connected on a emotional level as opposed to the 5’s intellectual understanding as such. Both they and 5 are at the bottom of the circle and are greatly affected by testerone as a result. They fall into Fisher’s Conservative category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Director category.

3- The Achiever. They care the most about appearances and effectiveness. Because of that they can end up disingenuous to both themselves and others, relying on slogans and quick wits. When they have a solid genuine foundation on the other hand they are capable of performing miraculous feats. The holy idea is hope, hope for a brighter future with their loved ones. They along with 4 and 2 belong in the Heart triad, which is the serotonin group. 3’s are the core type of this group. They fall into Fisher’s Authoritarian category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Builder category.

2- The Helper. The type fixated on kindness. They tend to give a lot and depending on healthy they are it may be unwanted or exactly what the person wants or needed. They have a tendency to expect others to give back as much as they give out. Their holy idea is freedom, freedom from want and obligation because everything runs smoothly and as desire rational desire dictates. They fall into Fisher’s Authoritarian category in terms of their emotional politics and in her Builder category.


Every single person is one of these types. No exception. The wings push you either more to the indivualist dopamine center focused on neuro plascity or the collectivist serotonin center focused more on hemostasis. And it is how stressed you are vs how much little ego you have aka your cortisol levels which determine how exactly you go about life specifically in detail.

The Archetypes

In order to best dive into how wings and growth/integration work and how they affect personality I will give some fictional examples of each and every type of person along with a general description. Now for you none anime fans you’ll have to forgive me as it’s a big part of my life and they best way I know how to express these things (though I will have some real life examples and you can give some in the comments).


1’9- Real Life example being Chris Hedges (in my opinion, note that the real life examples are some form of celebrity which I cannot personally ask, though sometimes they will have given their type). I’d love a good fictional example actually but alas.

1’9s combines the perfectionism & judgment of type 1 with the withdrawal-from-stress of 9. Of all the subtypes, 1/9 is the driest. The emotions are generally the least available on the surface. The usual overall feeling is strict, rational, quiet practicality. Their wing makes them less likely to voice their critical views, unlike the more outspoken 1/2. 1/9 would rather act oneishly, from principled judgment, than withdraw into uncaring, nineish apathy like the softer 9/1, but both tendencies are present. When they lose a bit of their ego while still conscious they overcome emotional repression & discover their inner warmth. Although they still have a tendency to judge, they do not take their judgments quite so seriously, allowing for the possibility that they may be wrong. The nineish tendency to withdraw from stress comes under conscious control, allowing them to take a more active role in life, although there is still a gentle, quiet feeling. The compulsive workaholic turns into a responsible but fun-loving person who allows time for just letting go and relaxing.

In a flow state a joy akin to a 7’s comes in strongly, adding a sense of enthusiastic involvement in life. They achieve a threeish charisma and build a powerful sense of self-creation and self-esteem. 1’9 in flow are gentle but persistent teachers. The key to the zone for them is tragedy.

1’2- Thanos from Infintiy War/Endgame. The Mad Titan, my favorite character in western movie Canon.

Dry, rational, & practical concerns of type 1 mix with the other-directedness of 2. The emotional repression of 1 is somewhat balanced by the self-defined goodness and desire-to-please of 2. 1’2’s typically care more about appearance than 1/9, and because of their oneish perfectionism they often dress immaculately. The pride from their two-wing makes them more visibly sensitive to criticism than 1’9, although both subtypes are internally very hard on themselves. Unlike 2’1, they would usually rather do the right thing than please someone else, although they want to do both if possible. As they begin to lose their ego 1’2’s begin to loosen up somewhat, becoming able to let go of their righteous judgments. They begin to allow for the possibility that their views might not be entirely accurate. Their other-directed corrections soften up and actually become helpful rather than intrusive. They become able to see the difference between proud perfectionism and healthy tolerance of differences.

When 1’2’s attain flow they can become teachers of the highest order, bringing in joy and enthusiasm & replacing their selfish manipulation with genuine compassionate concern for others. Deep oneish wisdom combines with twoish loving generosity for an intensely personal kind of guidance, even when they are addressing large groups. Somehow advanced 1’2’s seem to know exactly what is needed for maximum teaching value in any situation. They teach by asking the right questions, gently guiding the student to deeper insights. The key to zone for them is gratitude.


2’1- Makoto Niijima from Persona 5. 2’1 combines oneish judgment with twoish people-pleasing. 2’1’s are tighter and more rigid than 2’3’s, but less exacting than 1’2’s. They regulate their behavior carefully, in order to stay polite and proper. Overall, they want to put on a happy face, but because of repressed anger (from the one-wing) and repressed personal needs (from the two), their happy face is sometimes pinched with tension. They are less interested in appearing sexy and glamorous than 2’3, and they are more interested in becoming indispensable than 1’2. 2’1’s almost always find that their true calling involves helping others grow, often the otherwise sheltered and innocent. They become able to help themselves as wisely & lovingly as they help others. They enjoy watching people find their own calling, accepting the delightful differences among us. Joy of life combines with depth and empathy. The result is tolerant, patient celebration of growth and diversity.

Advanced 2’1’s in flow combine deep love & inspired wisdom. They are especially good at helping those who are in the most desperate possible situations. They plunge boldly into terrifying scenes and bring glorious hope, love, and healing with them. Usually it is the least self-sufficient who benefit the most from their endless charity.

2’3- Historia Reiss from Attack on Titan. Best girl after Mikasa. 2’3’s are more outward than 2/1. The ambitious vanity of 3 combines with 2’s desire to be loved, and the result is someone who is not afraid to step into the spotlight. 2’3’s usually have a seductive, playful side, unlike the more serious 2’1’s. The 3-wing gives them a showy, mainstream kind of appearance-consciousness. The twoish desire to please others is stronger than the threeish desire to be admired, although both desires are present. Growing 2’3’s get beyond the immediate desire to please. Image-consciousness and pride drop away and they become able to experience real, heartfelt love. They no longer need the constant reassurance of someone else’s admiring gratitude. New realms of creative expression open and they develop a deeper appreciation of the value of belonging to a real community of friends. They become genuine, loving companions.

A 2’3 in flow is someone whose generosity is so continuous and so genuine that it seems to be an inseparable part of the personality. Never is there even the tiniest hint that anything is expected in return — in fact, extremely advanced 2’3 sometimes becomes so good at giving that the recipient never finds out where the help came from (or even that it has happened). Generosity comes through them, not from them. The key to the zone is choosing to live a life they’re proud of personally.


3’2- Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5. Real life examples include Tyra Banks and Alexandera Orcazio Cortez. The prototypical sales personality. The threeish desire to be admired is stronger than the twoish desire to please others, so it is more important to them that they look good than that they make others feel good, although they will do both if they can. Unlike the more withdrawn 3’4, they want to reach the largest possible audience. Threeish, mainstream attractiveness is flavored by twoish seductiveness, rather than fourish uniqueness. As they grow they loses the false polish and becomes more real. The vanity of three turns into genuine self-observation, and the seductive pride of two turns into appropriate humility. Balanced 3’2’s are friendly and personable people whose natural social skills help others feel comfortable. They find a new kind of pleasure at playing without always having to win, although of course they can still choose to be competitive when it’s appropriate. Genuine feelings emerge and are given expression while a sense of belonging builds up powerful bonds of friendship.

3’2’s in flow have an astonishing ability to generate enthusiastic optimism and self-confidence in others. They’re usually an expert motivational speakers & their uplifting messages are delivered with style and power, connecting right to the heart of the listener. These are the teachers who bring us to our feet shouting and jumping for joy, eager to take the reins of our life and charge onward into the future. The key to zone is developing geniune self-respect.

3’4- Goro Akechi from Persona 5 & Kitora from World Trigger (Spoilers in video links). Real life example being Caleb Maupin. 3’4’s want to be admired for unique presentation, not mass-marketed stereotypes. Unlike the 3’2’s, who want everybody to admire them, 3’4’s are more interested in securing the attention of a select following. The introspection of the four-wing makes them less comfortable than 3’2 in social situations, although the powerful threeish social grace usually hides it. Because threeish vanity is stronger than fourish emotionality, they usually manage to stay cool in times of stress, unlike the more emotionally volatile 4’3’s. As they begin to lose their ego they become gentle, compassionate, and smoothly effective. They develop a new sense of social responsibility which combines with the wisdom that comes from emotional equanimity. They can be effective at accomplishing real-world goals and intuitive enough to be good advisers. They make excellent business mentors or career counselors. They might be good at rescuing a failing company, or seeing that what is really needed is to break it up and sell the parts.

A 3’4 in flow combines quiet self-assurance with deep emotional insight into other people’s experiences. They may appear at the tops of large organizations devoted to improving life for everyone on the planet, or they may work quietly behind the scenes, spreading a sense of confidence and optimism among the members of their team. Wherever they go they leave behind a feeling of deep connection and belonging. They are subtle teachers who set an example of compassionate action. The key to zone choosing to destroy the old while building anew.


4’3- Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5. Murashakibara Atashi from Kuroko no Basket. Real life example being Conrad Collins aka Digibro. 4’3’s are emotionally spicy. Because of the conflict between the three-wing’s desire to be in the spotlight and the four’s self-conscious fear of exposure, they may alternate between extremes of extroversion and introversion. Unlike the cooler 3’4s, 4’3s may find it difficult (if not impossible) to stay calm when emotions come up. They are more likely to talk about their overwhelming feelings than the much more rational, analytical, withdrawn 4’5s. When they begin to lose their ego 4’3’s find the peace of equanimity. Deep compassionate wisdom is augmented by a feeling of brotherhood and belonging. Finally, the 4’3 reaches a point where comfort is possible without being tormented by a desire that others recognize that special uniqueness. Others who are feeling emotional difficulty can find sensitive, unselfish understanding. Others feel that they are genuinely being heard, but not judged in any way. 4/3 manages to be both an equal and a teacher, both a sympathetic listener and a disciplined advisor.

When they’re in flow their creativity and out of the box thinking combines with traditional proficency making them a phenomen in their field. The key to the zone for them is discovering and embracing what they love.

4’5- Yusuke Yurameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. Mishima from Persona 5 (HA! You THOUGHT I wouldn’t have a P5 character). 4’5 is emotionally heavy. Powerful, passionate feelings and aesthetic appreciations swell within and then get bottled up inside. 4’5’s generally avoid expressing their feelings because they feel that no one could possibly understand them. Like 4’3, they feel special and different, but 4’5 is more likely to withdraw into sullen silence than to make a big public scene. 4’5 and 5’4 both have strong feelings which they repress, but because their feelings are stronger than their repression, 4’5s are more aware than 5’4 of their inner emotional state. Consequently, they are more likely to become depressed. There is a kind of delicacy to 4’5 that is not usually present in 4’3. When they lose a bit of their ego they lighten up a bit. There’s an emotional strength to them guided by their rationality & new found clear judgement. They begin to escape from the obsessive, dark, inner view, looking more outward into the world. There they find new connections with other people, possibly to their great surprise. They finally begin to discover that they have been loving people all along, although they may not have known it. They can be gentle, strong, deeply passionate teachers. Keen observations of the subtle states of others provide a miraculous ability to elicit powerful, transforming feelings. They may teach in person, through their writings, or in more subtle ways such as various forms of artistic expression.

In flow they go full Ben Shaprio DESTROYING opponents with FACTS & LOGIC. They always have the right answer as they have a complete understanding of all the systems and can also think beyond them. Whole countries, nobles and crowned heads tremble before their might. The key to the zone for them is patience to strike at exactly the right time with overwhelming force when no one else will see it coming.


5’4- Vexen & Ansem the Wise From Kingdom Hearts. Real life examples being Togashi Yoshihiro & the late Jacque Fresco. 5’4 is the prototype personality for research scientists. Analytical and detached from their emotions, but passionate about beauty and truth, they want to find the ultimate, simple explanation for everything. Their intellectual fiveness makes them likely to engage in long, professorial monologues, while their four-wing gives them a shy self-consciousness. Unlike the more depressive 4’5, they are likely to have a generally optimistic view, although they can get depressed if they become overwhelmed by the world’s demands. 5’4’s are usually less interested in social interactions than the more other-dependent 5’6. When they lose abit of their ego 5’4’s are more able to participate in life. When the fiveish desire to withdraw and sort things out is no longer compulsive, then the consciously chosen time alone becomes a tool for understanding the world, rather than an entrapping habit. The fourish passion for beauty emerges as the conscious result of harnessing the emotions rather than being their slave. They begin to deeply understand the simple, elegant way that the awesome complexity of the world emerges from fundamental principles. They find great joy in watching and learning. At their best they explain complex ideas in clear elegant sentences that still manage to be and hint at subtlty. Greative guides if you will.

In flow all their observations become easily referenable and they’re able to take on any challenged laided before them in a way no one would have thought of before. The key to the soon for them is believing in others competence.

5’6- Komugi from Hunter x Hunter. Futaba Sakura from Persona 5. Real life examples being Malcolm Gladwell and Paul Cockshott. You can also add the owner of the Youtube Channel StoryBrain. Suspicion combines with analytical detachment in average 5’6. The fiveish desire to know the reasons for everything combines with sixish skepticism to create a dry, sometimes intolerant personality. Because the six-wing wants to be liked, they want to be sociable and have friends. But the interaction of the sixish mistrust and the fiveish analysis makes it difficult for them to get close to very many people. They may have more trouble approaching others than the more sociable 6’5. Unlike 5’4, 5’6 may be more interested in politics than nature, more interested in conspiracy theories than physics theories. A loss of ego results in a gain in social ease. The fundamentally understand the truths of human interactions in the material (evolutionary) mathematical sense. They overcome their fear of intimacy and find satisfaction in genuine relationships. A balance is struck between the urge to withdraw to sort things out and the desire to feel safe among trusted friends. The need diminishes to protect against deceit by constantly analyzing people, leading to greater comfort and depth in friendships. Powerful insight, stamina and leadership, genuineness and inner peace characterize them at their best.

In flow 5’6 is a leader, using an absurd level of perception to help others see themselves more clearly. Inspiring trust & respect, they breakdown human interactions in a way that teaches people to see the wholeness in the parts, demonstrating through their actions that society is one body. The key to their zone is believing in themselves and their competence (cliche I know but harder than it sounds, as I’m sure many of you know).


6’5- Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan. I don’t need another example. He’s literally the PINNACLE example. the sixish need to feel safe among friends is colored by a fiveish desire to pick things apart into their components. As a result, 6’5 is more likely than 6’7 to join groups whose memberships are highly homogeneous, and thus easier to understand. Unlike the more analytic 5’6, 6’5 is more interested in being liked than in understanding the situation, although both are important. 6’5 is typically a traditional, conservative person who wants to fit into a safe, trustworthy group. When they lose their ego they become free of anxiety and reductionistic analysis, and develop an endearing kind of gentility and good humor. They become someone who laughs easily, with almost a sense of relief. “Can it really be so simple to live and enjoy life?” A relaxed good nature and certainty about them, this is a person you can trust & rely on for true friendship.

in flow 6’5 acts with quiet confidence, coming from a place of peaceful faith. Essential sixness brings deep interpersonal bonding, essential fiveness builds penetrating perception. Tranquility combines with personal power. The key to the zone is faith in a decent outcome via a belief in their comrades.

6’7- Simon the Digger from Gurren Laggan. Real Life example is Aaron Hawkins aka StormCloudsGathering. When an average 6’7 feels anxious, the reaction is likely to be immediate and colorful. Unlike the more subdued 6’5, 6’7 is likely to react impulsively to stress. Instead of analyzing, 6’7 is more likely to sevenishly jump into action, sometimes in inappropriate ways. However, because the cautious sixness is more powerful than the flamboyant seven-wing, 6’7 usually pulls back from extremes before they become too threatening, unlike the even less predictable 7’6. This inner conflict between flamboyance and caution can produce a person who is emotionally rather volatile, similar in some ways to 4’3. When they lose their ego they develop a feeling of firm steadiness. sure-footed and quiet, sevenish impulsivity and sixish anxiety diminish. Calm deliberateness guides them. Although fun and companionship are still highly valued, the desperate longing for security has been converted into inner strength. This is someone who can become a true brother or sister, or a genuinely loving parent.

In flow they give up on depending on anything but their own faith in themselves, though they’re not above working with others. They are the everyman at their best, expertise in their field is used to advance themselves forward and with them their whole group and the world. Like a drill they have a central point they can pivot around and use to break through any obstacle. They truly pierce the heavens. The key to the zone is having someone believe in them unconditionally.


7’6- Ann Takamaki from Persona 5. They’re natural comedians. The sevenish desire to entertain others is enhanced by the sixish desire to be liked. Driven by sixish anxiety into wild, sevenish schemes, they can at times become panic-stricken if their impulsive plans lead them into difficulty. Sevenish gaiety is more powerful than sixish mistrust, so they might not choose their friends wisely. Unlike the power-oriented 7’8, 7’6 would rather move away from conflict than into it. A 7’6 who’s lost their ego finds a new kind of centered calmness, as impulsivity and the desire to entertain begin to fall away. Instead of shifting to another mood, there is a willingness to wait and see where this one leads. The slippery, happy-go-lucky quality is replaced by a smooth feeling of attentive watchfulness. There is a kind of directed, joyful intelligence to the healthy 7/6, like a sure presence, with an unlimited attention span.

7/6 in flow becomes the master of many talents because of their newfound perceptivity, combined with deep fulfillment and pleasure from the experience of being fully present. 7/6 is profoundly grateful for the continuing opportunity to take part in the unfolding drama of life. “What a gorgeous, unpredictably fantastic world! What incredible beauty there is in even the smallest details of things! How excitingly alive I feel, and how at-one with the everything! Let’s celebrate together the deep abundance of life and love.” The key to zone for them is having a rival or enemy.

7’8- Gon Freecs from Hunter x Hunter. Average 7’8’s are often aggressive and flamboyant. Seven’s talkativeness and charisma combine with eight’s outgoing power to create a personality that may be well-suited for starting big projects, but ill-suited for continuing them. Unlike the gentler 7’6, 7’8’s are not afraid to make themselves unpopular. In fact, sometimes they seem to delight in generating shocked antipathy. 7’8 is not as careless of image as the rougher 8’7. 7’8 usually wants to be fun to look at, sometimes to colorful, elaborate extremes. When they lose their ego 7’8 settles down. Becoming aware of the compulsive nature of the desire for excess and learning how to moderate the constant power-trip, they find that other people are much easier to get along with when they are not being pushed or receiving a hard-sell on some wild idea. Love and appreciation for subtlety become important aspects of a life that includes increasing amounts of silent, peaceful contemplation.

In flow 7’8 discovers that by letting the mind’s chatter come to its own end, a new level of perception emerges, with a much greater understanding of how the world fits together. Instead of exploding outward into wildly impulsive activity, 7/8 harnesses enthusiasm for practical uses. Life becomes a joyful, loving celebration. “Look how much we have been given! Jump into the beautiful world with both feet! Find your power and become what you were meant to be!” They key to the zone for them is a goal they want to complete.


8’7- Enji Todoroki aka Endeavor from My Hero Academia (“Ignite” from the RWBY soundtrack is pretty much the 8 theme song. If you have any other type theme songs put em in the comments). Real life example being Donald Trump. The roughest, toughest personality there is. 8/7 is full of pushy, powerful energy. The eight’s desire to dominate overpowers the seven-wing desire to entertain, so being in charge is more important than being the life of the party. Eights in general do not bother much with appearances, but 8’7’s seven-wing brings in some desire to look good, or at least interesting, unlike 8’9, who is often utterly oblivious to appearance. When they lose their ego 8’7 softens up and gains charm & tact. With increased awareness, 8’7 loses some of the compulsive combativeness and their tendency to go to extremes is moderated. No more artificial bravado. 8’7 realizes that sometimes the most powerful thing to do is to wait, rather than charging in blindly. When dominance is a choice one can choose to be kind and gentle, using power constructively instead of combatively. It’s the strength they have in themselves which allows them to have that type of mercy and compassion.

In flow impulsive action is replaced by considered, perceptive understanding, making rash actions unnecessary. A person who may have been unpolished, rude, and rough becomes a sophisticated judge of situations, intuitively in touch with the flow of things.This new perception combined with their strength makes options available that were previously inconceivable. They key to the zone for them is self sacrifice.

8’9- Aomine Daiki from Kuroko no Basket (MASSIVE spoilers if you haven’t seen the show as this is an analysis video). Netero from Hunter x Hunter. Most average 8’9’s are socially unpolished and physically powerful. When eightish dominance combines with nineish passivity, but the eight is stronger, the personality is quiet but aggressive, usually slow-moving but capable of sudden violence. 8’9 is more likely to ignore a challenge than 8’7, but also more likely to erupt into overt anger than the more passive 9’8. While 8’9 would prefer to sit back and relax, it is important that the situation be under control first. There is a heavy, slow quality to most 8’9’s. Balanced 8/9 uses gentle strength with kindness. As 8/9 becomes more in touch with the inner self, the drive to dominate becomes less compulsive, and the seemingly contradictory desire to withdraw and be settled is also less overwhelming. This frees the will, allowing 8/9 to see the value of choosing carefully when to be powerful and when to pull back, rather than being enslaved by alternating sleepiness and angry outbursts. Others benefit from the well-timed use of personal power. Ambitious and benevolent they’re some of the greatest leaders and amazing warriors the world has seen.

In flow there isn’t anybody who can stop them. The stand alone at the top and if someone of equal power were to clash with them it’ll become one of the greatest spectacles known to man. Power, grace, skill, they’re comparable to demi-gods when they’re in their element. The key the zone for 8’9 is finding the perfect challenge exactly at their level.


9’1- Aegon Targaryen from Fire & Blood. Haru Okumura from Persom 5. Real life examples include Epicurus and the late Fredrick Rogers aka Mr.Rogers. Most versions of superman are this. Average 9’1 has a sort of cloudlike softness. The one-wing adds a flavor of intellectuality, but nine is more powerful, so the 9’1’s thoughts are not likely to receive much reality-testing. As a result, 9’1 often has a set of beliefs about the world that may seem superstitious or magical to others. For 9’1, this is no problem, because, strange as it may seem, these magical beliefs often seem to actually work for them. Unlike 9’8, 9’1 has a kind of refinement and poise, because of the one-wing’s desire to be perfect. But 9’1 is more likely to lie down and take a nap than the more workaholic 1’9. When they lose their ego (which they often think they don’t have) they become more present. Now there is really somebody home, a genuine being with actual goals and self-interest who happily starts creating results in the world. 9 begins to show some threeish ambition and the one-wing begins to loosen up its perfectionism. While such a person is still probably involved in activities that are non-threatening and not particularly visible in the world at large, the results often affect others in ways that are surprisingly useful and subtle. They make fair and just rulers who never sit easy on their throne. They become expert negotiators who find ways for everyone to win even when that seems impossible.

9’1’s in flow find deep sevenish joy in the accomplishment of personal goals. Usually the goals involve teaching or otherwise empowering others (even plants and animals). Oneish intellectual rigor assumes real importance when the desire for withdrawal diminishes, allowing them to risk genuine involvement. Thoughts and internal images finally correspond to actual reality and they’re able to transmit to others a special & powerful kind of integrated self-actualization. The key to the zone for them is finding the people they’re willing to fight for.

9’8- Midoriya Izuku from My Hero Academia. Ozeki Shinya from Hinomaru Zumou manga (Part 1 aka the only part). Average 9’8’s are gentle, simple, unsophisticated people. They tend to be a bit impulsive because of their lusty eight-wing, and they have the ability to push hard enough to get their way, but they back down easily in most cases if others resist their impulses. 9’8 is more likely to ignore a challenge than the more power-oriented 8’9. Unlike the more refined 9’1, 9’8 feels rough around the edges. There is often almost a clumsy feel to their childlike ways. They are like puppydogs, eager to be happy and eager to forget unpleasantness. When they begin to wake up, 9’8’s almost always use their lusty eight-wing to pull themselves out of the dream. For them, the expansiveness and energy of eight is a direct antidote to nineish apathy and resignation. They become powerful generous people whose benevolence and ambition are virtually impossible to stop. They become symbols of hope, growth, and peace. People feel positively uplifted in the presence of such completely humble, giving, magnificent, fully self-created beings. Somehow just being in the presence of such a person can generate tremendous confidence and healthy self-regard. It’s both what they do and who they are, and their utter naturalness is astounding.

In flow 9’8’s save people with a smile, or otherwise defeat oppenents gracefully. Full of Charisma they embrace their role as symbol and put in the work to live up to it for others. They key to the zone for them is remembering why they fight.

Nations are made up of people so the psychological state of a people determine the state of a nation. Therefore nations have enneagram types as well. This is not to say every person in a nation acts this way but rather that the culture is effected by it in the same way it’s effected by climate and environment. It’s all a feedback loop. This can be thought of as a method of analysis related to dialectical materialism.

Major nations enneagram types: Poland- 6’7 Italy- 2’3 France- 4’3 Britain- 1’2 Germany- 6’5 Iran- 5’4 Saudi Arabia- 5’6 China- 9’1 Russian- 8’9 Japan- 4’3 Korea- 5’6 (south stresses into 7, North Grows into 8) America- 3’2 Mexico- 9’8 Canada- 9’1 Brazil- 7’6 Venezuela- 2’3 India- 9’8 Egypt- 4’5 Turkey- 3’4 Greece- 7’6 Switzerland- 1’2 Thailand- 3’2 (allied with 3’4 America) Vietnam- 8’9 Cambodia- 6’7 Laos- 6’5 Myanmar- 6’7 Maritime south east Asia is a 7’6 region overall like Europe.




Stress vs Flow

Let’s get back to the material analysis. What is psychological is biological. The point of learning psychology is so that we can better use it as a guide for our actions and the point of learning biology is to state healthy and use our minds well. For this reason it is important to understand where changes in personality (temporary or otherwise) come from. I said before that what ultimate determines a persons day to day activating is there cortisol levels, and now that I have explained every type of person I can get into the nitty gritty of why that is. Big shifts in behavior come from big shifts in biology, and the biggest shift in a persons biology generally speaking is how stressed they are.

What is stress? What controls stress? Stress is the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, or stressors, that we view as challenging or threatening. What largely determines this is your cortisol and adrenaline levels as they in turn affect all the other hormones in your body including estrogen and testorne which in turn has affects on dopamine and serotonin in the brain. The body seeks to maintain homeostasis so we can think about growth vs stress in ennegamatical terms as your body being more or less in homeostasis; weather it is more in line with your general disposition to serotonin or to dopamine.

Fear causes us to lose our reason and makes us less than we should be. Blood and nutrients leave the brain and go to putting the body into overdrive. Homeostasis is sacrificed for survival and prolonged periods in stressed states with the body filled with cortisol famously results in massive health issues due to its adverse effects on hormone levels. You basically lose yourself in the worst sense of the term.

Enneagramtically speaking this has been referred to as “disintegration” where you stress into the worst aspects of another number. I don’t wish to get bogged down in the individual details of how this looks for each type as that isn’t the purpose of this post but suffice to say if you understand the character arcs of the archetypes I mentioned you should be able to work backwards. And now we have a biological explanation for why frequent stress causes negative changes in ones personality akin to a “disintegration”, it causes sporadic changes to a minds internal homeostasis via adverse hormonal effects which in turn affect dopamine oxytocin & serotonin in the brain.

Flow is basically the opposite, a state of effortless concentration and optimal performance when completing a task. The rules for developing a self that is in a state of flow most of the time are settings goals, becoming immmersed in activites, paying attention to what is happening, and learning to enjoy the immediate moment. Why did I wait till now to actually explain what flow is? It’s because fundamentally flow hypnosis and sleep are more or less different forms of the same process. Everyone can get into flow by following those 4 rules but what needs to be done for a subject to follow those depends on their particular biology and personality. Naturally than the same is true for hypnotizing yourself and others as well as gaining a better grasp of your sleep cycle. And when applied to whole nations the possibilities are downright scary.

Hypnosis is a calm trance-like state during which you tend to have a heighten concentration and focus, and in which you are more susceptible to suggestions and is similar to the flow state in physiological terms with the key difference being the lack of specific task (which might explain the increased suggestibility as your body tries to achieve flow). Music can help in achieving these states which is part of why we like it. Controlling who and what you hate and love as well can help, given how these emotions affect the brain.

Certain actions causes the release of certain chemicals; exercise increases bdnf and serotonin, doing things traditionally rewarding (weather because of conditioning or by nature) increases dopamine, bonding raising oxytocin/estrogen and a bunch of things increase testosterone. It is in the specific combinations that we control our personality and thus the faith of the world. Along with better more efficient modes of production decreasing stress in society is the single best thing a nation can do for itself.

This is why socialist nations with their universal healthcare and financial support of the broad masses of people (the workers) have been the ones progressing history in modern times. From space to dams to green energy I’d argue there is a positive feedback loop between better modes of production and enneagramtic growth on a nation scale. It’s a biological & psychological understanding of the progress of history that isn’t rooted in racism of mere technological determinism.

Socialism puts nations in the zone. While seemingly at first not directly related to the enneagram it is my sincere hope that someone smarter and more talented than me can put the info laid out here to good use. Appeal to certain nations psychology, and use it to help mitigate the stoking of fear in populations for political power. This is the biggest thing I believe we can gain if the enneagram isn’t just pseudoscience.

Futher readings and sources: https://youtu.be/0lOPtTbFCMY

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